Its hailed as the next social eating revolution and is proving extremely popular, a new website has recently been launched where users can sign up to host dinner parties, users can either click to attend dinner parties or host them. There is no social connection between users and none of the people involved actually know each other and that is part of the website’s attraction. Many of the users who have already experienced a dinner party say it’s a great way to meet new people and sample their food.
The website has quite a simple approach, users sign up and can advertise their meal plan and how many people they are catering for, they set a meal price and then sit back and wait for the chairs to sell, once all the dinner places have sold, a date is set and the host prepares to entertain their guests. The meal plan can be anything you like and you can even ask your guests to bring a bottle or two.
The site is open to anyone and isn’t restricted to well established chef’s or Dinner Party experts, hard up Students can join and apply, there doesn’t seem to be any real barrier to attending Dinner Parties or Hosting them. Inspired by The (Come Dine With Me Revolution), its certainly proving a great way for people to meet others and sample different foods and the general feedback from the site so far is Positive.
The site WiFiFO has reportedly attracted £350000.00 worth of funding and aims to sign up 30000.00 UK Hosts. The emphasis is meeting New People and making some money at the same time. The site enables users to plan their meal option with emphasis on making a profit, if there are 6 places available at the table, you can set the price of each space. If you have a chair price of £10 and six spaces, this enables you £60 for the total overall meal price, its then up to you to make sure you purchase the ingredients within that budget whilst considering you want to make a profit. The site is reported to take a small percentage of your meal price which lowers as you host more meal nights. The popularity and the success of the site so far places more emphasis on providing great food and giving sign ups the chance to meet new people. If you are a student and want to meet new people whilst having a great cheap meal at the same time, WIFIFO is proving a great option.
The site will deduct a 10%-20% cut from your meal price, this may drop as a user gains more success. After the meal, guests can rate your food and company and hosts will receive rankings based on their success, other users can see these rankings. The host can also rate their guests which is visible to other users also. The site is proving extremely popular as a new innovative way to host a meal and meet new people and if you really want to make some money, it could be a great work from home business.